Oct 24, 2024 06:44 AM
VDA5050 是 自动导引车 (AGV) 和主控制器之间通信接口的定义。
- AGV的系统提供基本信息
- 主控组织管理运行
- AGV执行指令
- 线路定义:使用CAD导入,可以将线路导入到主控中。或者,也可以由操作员在主控制器中手动实施路线。路线可以是单向街道,限制某些车辆组(基于尺寸比例)等。
- 路线网络配置:路线内定义装卸站、充电站、周边环境(闸机、电梯、道闸)、候车位、缓冲站等。
- 车辆配置:AGV 的物理属性(尺寸、可用的负载载体安装座等)由操作员存储。 AGV 应以文档主题“情况说明书”中定义的特定方式通过主题情况
上述路由配置和路由网络不属于本文档的内容。它们构成了主控制器基于此信息和要完成的运输要求实现订单控制和驾驶路线分配的基础。然后,AGV 的最终订单通过 MQTT 消息代理传输到车辆。然后,在执行作业的同时,不断向主控制器报告其状态。这也是使用 MQTT 消息代理完成的。
- Assignment of orders to the AGVs
将订单分配给 AGV
- Route calculation and guidance of the AGVs (taking into account the limitations of the individual physical properties of each AGV, e.g., size, maneuverability, etc.)
AGV 的路线计算和引导(考虑到每个 AGV 个体物理特性的限制,例如尺寸、机动性等)
- Detection and resolution of blockages ("deadlocks")
- Energy management: Charging orders can interrupt transfer orders
- Traffic control: Buffer routes and waiting positions
- (Temporary) changes in the environment, such as freeing certain areas or changing the maximum speed
- Communication with peripheral systems such as doors, gates, elevators, etc.
- Detection and resolution of communication errors
- Localization
- Navigation along associated routes (guided or autonomous)
- Execution of actions
- Continuous transmission of vehicle status
协议规定了主控与AGV之间的通信。不同的消息显示在描述作为指令、状态等发送的 JSON 字段内容的表格中。
此外,JSON 架构可在公共 git 存储库 ( https://github.com/VDA5050/VDA5050 ) 中进行验证。
Identification | Description |
standard | Variable is an elementary data type |
bold | Variable is a non-elementary data type (e.g., JSON object or array) and defined separately |
italic | Variable is optional |
italic and bold | Variable is optional and a non-elementary data type |
arrayName[arrayDataType] | Variable (here arrayName) is an array of the data type included in the square brackets (here the data type is arrayDataType) |
如果一个变量被标记为可选,则意味着它对于发送者来说是可选的,因为该变量在某些情况下可能不适用(例如,当主控向 AGV 发送命令时,一些 AGV 会自行规划其轨迹和场地)
所有通信均以 UTF-8 编码,以实现描述的国际适应。建议 ID 应仅使用以下字符:
A-Z a-z 0-9 _ - . :
最大消息长度没有定义,但受到 MQTT 协议规范的限制,并且可能受到情况说明书中定义的技术约束的限制。如果 AGV 内存不足以处理传入订单,则会拒绝该订单。最大字段长度、字符串长度或值范围的匹配由积分器决定。为了便于集成,AGV 供应商应提供 AGV 资料表,详细信息请参阅资料表部分。
字段中的关键字(“WAITING”、“FINISHED”等)。JSON 数据类型
如果可能,应使用 JSON 数据类型。因此,布尔值由“true”或“false”编码,而不是用枚举(“TRUE”、“FALSE”)或幻数编码。
数值数据类型用类型和精度指定,例如float64 或uint32。不支持 IEEE 754 中的特殊数值,例如 NaN 和无穷大。
MQTT 连接处理、安全性和 QoS
MQTT 协议提供为客户端设置最后遗嘱消息的选项。如果客户端因任何原因意外断开连接,最后的遗嘱将由代理分发给其他订阅的客户端。该功能的使用在第6.14 节主题“连接”中描述。
如果 AGV 与代理断开连接,它会保留所有指令信息并履行直到最后发布的节点为止的指令。
为了减少通信开销,MQTT QoS 级别 0(尽力而为)将用于主题
、 instantActions
、 state
、 factsheet
应使用 QoS 级别 1(至少一次)。MQTT 主题级别
对于本地broker,建议的 MQTT 主题级别如下:
MQTT Topic Level | Data type | Description |
interfaceName | string | Name of the used interface |
majorVersion | string | Major version number of the VDA 5050 recommendation, preceded by "v" |
manufacturer | string | Manufacturer of the AGV. |
serialNumber | string | Unique AGV serial number consisting of the following characters:A-Za-z0-9_.:- |
topic | string | Topic (e.g., order or state) see Section 6.5 Topics for Communication |
字符用于定义主题层次结构,因此不得在上述任何字段中使用它。 $
字符也在一些 MQTT 代理中用于特殊的内部主题,因此也不应该使用它。Protocol header
每个 JSON 消息都以header开头。在以下部分中,为了便于阅读,以下字段将被引用为header。header由以下各个元素组成。header不是 JSON 对象。
Object structure/Identifier | Data type | Description |
headerId | uint32 | Header ID of the message.The headerId is defined per topic and incremented by 1 with each sent (but not necessarily received) message. |
timestamp | string | Timestamp (ISO 8601, UTC); YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ffZ (e.g., "2017-04-15T11:40:03.12Z"). |
version | string | Version of the protocol [Major].[Minor].[Patch] (e.g., 1.3.2). |
manufacturer | string | Manufacturer of the AGV. |
serialNumber | string | Serial number of the AGV. |
Topics for communication
Topic name | Published by | Subscribed by | Used for | Implementation | Schema |
order | master control | AGV | Communication of driving orders from master control to the AGV | mandatory | order.schema |
instantActions | master control | AGV | Communication of the actions that are to be executed immediately | mandatory | instantActions.schema |
state | AGV | master control | Communication of the AGV state | mandatory | state.schema |
visualization | AGV | Visualization systems | Higher frequency of position topic for visualization purposes only | optional | visualization.schema |
connection | Broker/AGV | master control | Indicates when AGV connection is lost, not to be used by master control for checking the vehicle health, added for an MQTT protocol level check of connection | mandatory | connection.schema |
factsheet | AGV | master control | Parameters or vendor-specific information to assist set-up of the AGV in master control | mandatory | factsheet.schema |
Topic: "order" (from master control to AGV)
主题“order”是 MQTT 主题,AGV 通过该主题接收 JSON 封装的order。
order的基本结构是节点和边的图。 AGV 预计会遍历节点和边来完成order。所有连接的节点和边的完整图由主控制保存。
Graph representation in master control and graph transmitted in orders
- 节点和边作为order消息中的两个列表进行传递。这些列表中的节点和边的顺序也决定了节点和边的遍历顺序。
- 对于有效的order,至少应有一个节点,并且边的数量应等于节点数减一。
- AGV 应该能够轻松到达订单的第一个节点。这意味着要么AGV已经站在节点上,要么AGV处于节点的偏差范围内。
- 节点和边都有一个布尔属性
。如果某个节点或边被释放,AGV 就会穿过它。如果节点或边未被释放,AGV 不得遍历它。
- 只有当一条边的起始节点和结束节点都被释放时,该边才能被释放。
- 在未释放的边之后,序列中不能跟随任何已释放的节点或边。
- 释放的节点和边的集合称为“base”。未释放的节点和边的集合称为“horizon”。
- 发送没有horison的order是合法的。
- order消息不一定描述完整的运输订单。为了进行交通控制并容纳资源受限的车辆,完整的运输order(可能由许多节点和边组成)可以分为许多子order,这些子order通过其
Orders and order update
- “Base” :这是允许 AGV 行驶的定义路线。基本路线的所有节点和边缘均已被车辆主控释放。基的最后一个节点称为decision point。
- “horizon” :这是主控当前规划的AGV在决策点之后行驶的路线。horizon路径尚未被主控释放。
如果没有进一步的节点和边添加到基础上,AGV 将停止在决策点。为了保证运动流畅,在交通情况允许的情况下,主控应在AGV到达决策点之前扩展base。
由于 MQTT 是异步协议,通过无线网络传输不可靠,因此base无法更改。因此,主控应假定base已被 AGV 执行。后面的部分描述了取消order的过程,但由于上述通信限制,这也被认为是不可靠的。
主控制器可以通过向 AGV 发送更新的路线来改变horizon,其中包括更改的节点和边列表。改变horizon路径的流程如图4所示。
图4 更改行驶路线“Horizon”的流程
在图 4 中,控制面板首先在时间 t = 1 时发送初始作业。图 5 显示了可能作业的伪代码。为了便于阅读,这里省略了完整的 JSON 示例。
图 5 order的伪代码。
在时间 t = 3 时,通过发送order扩展来更新order(参见图 6 中的示例)。请注意,
图 6 order更新的伪代码。请注意orderUpdateId
这在order update丢失的情况下也有帮助(例如,由于无线网络不可靠)。 AGV 始终可以检查最后一个已知的基本节点是否与第一个新的基本节点具有相同的
,稍后会详细介绍)。另请注意,节点 g 是唯一再次发送的基节点。由于基数无法更改,因此节点 f 和 d 的重传无效。
重要的是,拼接节点(示例中的节点 g)的内容不会改变。对于动作、偏差范围等,AGV应使用第一条order中提供的指令(图5,orderUpdateId 0)。
图7 定期更新流程-order extension。
图 7 描述了如何延长order。它显示 AGV 当前可用的信息。
保持不变, orderUpdateId
递增。前一个基节点的最后一个节点是更新顺序中的第一个基节点。通过该节点,AGV 可以将更新的order添加到当前order上(缝合)。来自前一个基的其他节点和边不会重新发送。
为了允许按顺序循环(例如从节点 a 到 b,然后再返回到 a),将
图8 接受order或order update的流程。
Order cancellation
如果基本节点发生意外更改,则应使用 instantAction
取消order。图 9cancelOrder
如果 AGV 通过标签将自身定位在节点上,则新order必须从 AGV 现在所在的节点开始(另请参见图 5)。
如果 AGV 可以在节点之间停止,则选择由主控制如何启动下一个order。 AGV 应接受这两种方法。
- 发送一个order,其中第一个节点是临时节点,位于AGV当前所在的位置。然后,AGV 应意识到该节点是可轻松到达的并接受order。
- 发送一个order,其中第一个节点是上一个订单的最后一个遍历的节点,但将偏差范围设置得足够大,使 AGV 在此范围内。因此,AGV 应意识到该节点应被计为已遍历并接受order。
如果 AGV 收到
操作,但 AGV 当前没有order,或者先前的order已取消,则cancelOrder
操作应报告为“FAILED”。AGV 应报告“noOrderToCancel”错误,并将
设置为“警告”。 instantAction
传递。Order rejection
图 10 具有corridor
Implementation of the order message
Object structure | Unit | Data type | Description |
headerId | ㅤ | uint32 | Header ID of the message.The header ID is defined per topic and incremented by 1 with each sent (but not necessarily received) message. |
timestamp | ㅤ | string | Timestamp (ISO 8601, UTC); YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ffZ (e.g., "2017-04-15T11:40:03.12Z") |
version | ㅤ | string | Version of the protocol [Major].[Minor].[Patch] (e.g., 1.3.2) |
manufacturer | ㅤ | string | Manufacturer of the AGV |
serialNumber | ㅤ | string | Serial number of the AGV |
orderId | ㅤ | string | Order identification.This is to be used to identify multiple order messages that belong to the same order. |
orderUpdateId | ㅤ | uint32 | Order update identification.Is unique per orderId.If an order update is rejected, this field is to be passed in the rejection message. |
zoneSetId | ㅤ | string | Unique identifier of the zone set, that the AGV has to use for navigation or that was used by master control for planning.Optional: Some master control systems do not use zones.Some AGVs do not understand zones.Do not add to message, if no zones are used. |
nodes [node] | ㅤ | array | Array of node objects to be traversed for fulfilling the order.One node is enough for a valid order.Leave edge array empty in that case. |
edges [edge] | ㅤ | array | Array of edge objects to be traversed for fulfilling the order.One node is enough for a valid order.Leave edge array empty in that case. |
Object structure | Unit | Data type | Description |
node { | ㅤ | JSON object | ㅤ |
nodeId | ㅤ | string | Unique node identification |
sequenceId | ㅤ | uint32 | Number to track the sequence of nodes and edges in an order and to simplify order updates.The main purpose is to distinguish between a node, which is passed more than once within one orderId.The variable sequenceId runs across all nodes and edges of the same order and is reset when a new orderId is issued. |
nodeDescription | ㅤ | string | Additional information on the node |
released | ㅤ | boolean | "true" indicates that the node is part of the base."false" indicates that the node is part of the horizon. |
nodePosition | ㅤ | JSON object | Node position.Optional for vehicle types that do not require the node position (e.g., line-guided vehicles). |
actions [action]} | ㅤ | array | Array of actions to be executed on a node.Empty array, if no actions required. |
Object structure | Unit | Data type | Description |
nodePosition { | ㅤ | JSON object | Defines the position on a map in a global project-specific world coordinate system.Each floor has its own map.All maps shall use the same project-specific global origin. |
x | m | float64 | X-position on the map in reference to the map coordinate system.Precision is up to the specific implementation. |
y | m | float64 | Y-position on the map in reference to the map coordinate system.Precision is up to the specific implementation. |
theta | rad | float64 | Range: [-Pi ... Pi]Absolute orientation of the AGV on the node.Optional: vehicle can plan the path by itself.If defined, the AGV has to assume the theta angle on this node.If previous edge disallows rotation, the AGV shall rotate on the node.If following edge has a differing orientation defined but disallows rotation, the AGV is to rotate on the node to the edges desired rotation before entering the edge. |
allowedDeviationXY | m | float64 | Indicates how precisely an AGV shall match the position of a node for it to be considered traversed.If = 0.0: no deviation is allowed (no deviation means within the normal tolerance of the AGV manufacturer).If > 0.0: allowed deviation radius in meters.If the AGV passes a node within the deviation radius, the node can be considered traversed. |
allowedDeviationTheta | rad | float64 | Range: [0.0 ... Pi]Indicates how precise the orientation defined in theta has to be met on the node by the AGV.The lowest acceptable angle is theta - allowedDeviationTheta and the highest acceptable angle is theta + allowedDeviationTheta. |
mapId | ㅤ | string | Unique identification of the map on which the position is referenced.Each map has the same project-specific global origin of coordinates.When an AGV uses an elevator, e.g., leading from a departure floor to a target floor, it will disappear off the map of the departure floor and spawn in the related lift node on the map of the target floor. |
mapDescription} | ㅤ | string | Additional information on the map. |
Object structure | Unit | Data type | Description |
action { | ㅤ | JSON object | Describes an action that the AGV can perform. |
actionType | ㅤ | string | Name of action as described in the first column of "Actions and Parameters".Identifies the function of the action. |
actionId | ㅤ | string | Unique ID to identify the action and map them to the actionState in the state.Suggestion: Use UUIDs. |
actionDescription | ㅤ | string | Additional information on the action |
blockingType | ㅤ | string | Enum {'NONE', 'SOFT', 'HARD'}:'NONE': allows driving and other actions;'SOFT': allows other actions but not driving;'HARD': is the only allowed action at that time. |
actionParameters [actionParameter]} | ㅤ | array | Array of actionParameter objects for the indicated action, e.g., "deviceId", "loadId", "external triggers".An example implementation can be found in 7.2 Format of parameters. |
Object structure | Unit | Data type | Description |
edge { | ㅤ | JSON object | Directional connection between two nodes. |
edgeId | ㅤ | string | Unique edge identification. |
sequenceId | ㅤ | uint32 | Number to track the sequence of nodes and edges in an order and to simplify order updates.The variable sequenceId runs across all nodes and edges of the same order and is reset when a new orderId is issued. |
edgeDescription | ㅤ | string | Additional information on the edge. |
released | ㅤ | boolean | "true" indicates that the edge is part of the base."false" indicates that the edge is part of the horizon. |
startNodeId | ㅤ | string | nodeId of first node within the order. |
endNodeId | ㅤ | string | nodeId of the last node within the order. |
maxSpeed | m/s | float64 | Permitted maximum speed on the edge.Speed is defined by the fastest measurement of the vehicle. |
maxHeight | m | float64 | Permitted maximum height of the vehicle, including the load, on the edge. |
minHeight | m | float64 | Permitted minimal height of the load handling device on the edge. |
orientation | rad | float64 | Orientation of the AGV on the edge. The value orientationType defines if it has to be interpreted relative to the global project-specific map coordinate system or tangential to the edge. In case of interpreted tangential to the edge, 0.0 denotes driving forwards and PI denotes driving backwards.Example: orientation Pi/2 rad will lead to a rotation of 90 degrees.If the AGV starts in a different orientation, rotate the vehicle on the edge to the desired orientation, if rotationAllowed is set to "true".If rotationAllowed is "false", rotate before entering the edge.If that is not possible, reject the order.If no trajectory is defined, apply the rotation to the direct path between the two connecting nodes of the edge.If a trajectory is defined for the edge, apply the orientation to the trajectory. |
orientationType | ㅤ | string | Enum {'GLOBAL', 'TANGENTIAL'}:'GLOBAL': relative to the global project-specific map coordinate system;'TANGENTIAL': tangential to the edge.If not defined, the default value is 'TANGENTIAL'. |
direction | ㅤ | string | Sets direction at junctions for line-guided or wire-guided vehicles, to be defined initially (vehicle-individual).Examples: "left", "right", "straight". |
rotationAllowed | ㅤ | boolean | "true": rotation is allowed on the edge."false": rotation is not allowed on the edge.Optional:No limit, if not set. |
maxRotationSpeed | rad/s | float64 | Maximum rotation speedOptional:No limit, if not set. |
trajectory | ㅤ | JSON object | Trajectory JSON object for this edge as NURBS.Defines the path, on which the AGV should move between the start node and the end node of the edge.Optional:Can be omitted, if the AGV cannot process trajectories or if the AGV plans its own trajectory. |
length | m | float64 | Length of the path from the start node to the end nodeOptional:This value is used by line-guided AGVs to decrease their speed before reaching a stop position. |
corridor | ㅤ | JSON object | Definition of boundaries in which a vehicle can deviate from its trajectory, e.g., to avoid obstacles. |
action [action]} | ㅤ | array | Array of actions to be executed on the edge.Empty array, if no actions required.An action triggered by an edge will only be active for the time that the AGV is traversing the edge which triggered the action.When the AGV leaves the edge, the action will stop and the state before entering the edge will be restored. |
Object structure | Unit | Data type | Description |
trajectory { | ㅤ | JSON object | ㅤ |
degree | ㅤ | float64 | Range: [1.0 ... float64.max]Degree of the NURBS curve defining the trajectory.If not defined, the default value is 1. |
knotVector [float64] | ㅤ | array | Range: [0.0 ... 1.0]Array of knot values of the NURBS.knotVector has size of number of control points + degree + 1. |
controlPoints [controlPoint]} | ㅤ | array | Array of controlPoint objects defining the control points of the NURBS, explicitly including the start and end point. |
Object structure | Unit | Data type | Description |
controlPoint { | ㅤ | JSON object | ㅤ |
x | ㅤ | float64 | X-coordinate described in the world coordinate system. |
y | ㅤ | float64 | Y-coordinate described in the world coordinate system. |
weight | ㅤ | float64 | Range: [0.0 ... float64.max]The weight of the control point on the curve.When not defined, the default will be 1.0. |
} | ㅤ | ㅤ | ㅤ |
Object structure | Unit | Data type | Description |
corridor { | ㅤ | JSON object | ㅤ |
leftWidth | m | float64 | Range: [0.0 ... float64.max]Defines the width of the corridor in meters to the left related to the trajectory of the vehicle (see Figure 13). |
rightWidth | m | float64 | Range: [0.0 ... float64.max]Defines the width of the corridor in meters to the right related to the trajectory of the vehicle (see Figure 13). |
corridorRefPoint} | ㅤ | string | Defines whether the boundaries are valid for the kinematic center or the contour of the vehicle. If not specified the boundaries are valid to the vehicles kinematic center.Enum { 'KINEMATICCENTER' , 'CONTOUR' } |
- Author:NotionNext
- URL:https://tangly1024.com/article/1299b391-226a-8079-97f3-f737a263c71e
- Copyright:All articles in this blog, except for special statements, adopt BY-NC-SA agreement. Please indicate the source!
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